Title | Organizing and Growing Semiconducting Carbon |
Web | https://arnold.engr.wisc.edu/about.html |
Title | Atomic Imaging in Liquid Environments using 2D material heterostructures |
Web | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/sarah.haigh.html |
Title | Electrical and Thermal Transport in Nanotube-Graphene Hybrid Systems |
Web | https://kim.physics.harvard.edu/ |
Title | Carbon nanotube analog-digital mixed-signal integrated circuits for epidermal electronics |
Web |
Title | Dissolving, and growing, diamond; Protonation of diamondoids; Large area single crystal metal foils and their use to make F-Diamane and ‘perfect’ single crystal large area graphene; Zeolite Templated Carbons (Schwartzites) |
Web | http://cmcm.ibs.re.kr/ |
Title | Lateral epitaxy of 2D materials and its practical applications |
Web |
Title | Optical spectroscopy of twisted heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides |
Web | https://opto.sogang.ac.kr/ |
Title | Highly Oriented Direct-Spun Carbon Nanotube Textiles Aligned by In-Situ Radio-Frequency Fields |
Web |
Title | Surface chemistry and its influence on the environmental impact of carbon nanomaterials |
Web | http://eflahaut.nano.free.fr/ |
Title | Global Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes via High Precision Microfluidic Dead-End Filtration |
Web | https://www.int.kit.edu/flavel.php |
Title | Carbon Nanotubes for Cancer Research and Diagnosis |
Web | https://www.mskcc.org/research/ski/labs/daniel-heller |
Title | Carbon nanotube-based epidermal electronic systems |
Web | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CFFmvxoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao |
Title | Broad Applications using Graphene Quantum Dots with Discrete Bandgap |
Web | http://fdml.kaist.ac.kr |
Title | Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Low Dimensional Carbon Materials: graphene, nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes |
Web | http://lilith.fisica.ufmg.br/~adojorio/en_index.html |
Title | Exciton physics and cavity quantum electrodynamics in air-suspended carbon nanotubes |
Web | http://katogroup.riken.jp/ |
Title | Towards SWNT (n,m) structure control during floating catalyst CVD synthesis |
Web | https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-applied-physics/nanomaterials-nmg |
Title | Behavior of catalysts at atomic scale for single-walled carbon nanotube growth |
Web | https://www.chem.pku.edu.cn/page/liy/en/groupmembers/index.htm |
Title | Developing Quantum Photon Sources from Low-dimensional Semiconductor Materials |
Web |
Title | Raman scattering by exciton-polaritons in carbon nanotubes |
Web |
Title | Theoretical Insight into New Strategies of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization |
Web | https://cnls.lanl.gov/~serg/ |