The 22nd International Conference on the Science and Applications of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials

  • June 19-24, 2022
  • Sungkyunkwan University in Suwon, Republic of Korea
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[NT22] Submission deadline extended - Your poster presentation materials (pdf/mp4)
  • Admin
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  • 23124
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  • 2022-05-25 14:13:47

Dear Poster Presenters,


Thank you for your participation at NT22. Here are instructions for the poster presentation.


Poster Sessions:

The poster presentation is divided into 6 sessions. It is scheduled at 1:15 2:30pm and 5:15 6:30pm (Korean time) on June 20th, 21st and 23rd.

P1 : June 20th, / 1:15 - 2:30 pm

P2 : June 20th, / 5:15 - 6:30 pm

P3 : June 21st, / 1:15 - 2:30 pm

P4 : June 21st, / 5:15 - 6:30 pm

P5 : June 23rd, / 1:15 - 2:30 pm

P6 : June 23rd, / 5:15 - 6:30 pm

If your poster number is P1-I-01, Your slot is P1 session. If the number is P3-I-01, Your slot is P3 session. You can check your poster number at 'My page' after log-in.


Poster Submission Instructions:

Both virtual and in-person participants are required to submit a PDF file, summarizing the motivation/goals, methods, results, and discussion/conclusion of your research. The abstract number, title, author and affiliation should be noticeable on your poster. Please submit your PDF file using “File upload button” in the online submission page in NT22 website. The poter panel size is 90cm(W) * 120cm(H).

In addition, virtual presenters are required to submit a 3-minute video (MP4 format, smaller than 50 MB) explaining your work. In-person participants do not need to submit the video.


Please 1) name your video and poster file “FULL POSTER NUMBER_YOUR NAME” (e.g. PI-I-01_John Lee),

2) submit your video file using the “File upload button” in the online submission page in NT22 website.


IMPORTANT: Poster presenters should pay registration fee. If you have not paid yet, please log-in to your account, go to My Page, and finish the payment. You may get an error if you submit poster files before paying the registration fee.


The submission deadline is 5 pm CDT, June 3rd

Please refer to the presentation guideline ( Please contact us at if you have any questions. We are looking forward to meet you at NT22. Thank you.

Young Hee Lee, Seunghyun Baik, Ki Kang Kim, Ji-Hee Kim (on behalf of the organizing committee of NT22

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